Copy of Our Stories


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 Pubali Chakravorty-Campbell

This month's featured story is about a woman who is determined to follow her heart and her dreams.  Pubali Chakravorty-Campbell was just named one of New Hampshire Business Review's Outstanding Women in Business, and recently announced that she was leaving her executive position at Human Resource Partners for a career change, without having another job already lined up. Why take this kind of a leap of faith?  For Pubali it was very clear, she says she always makes decisions with her family in mind and wanted to find something that satisfied her personally as well as professionally.

Pubali is a strong, thoughtful woman determined to make an impact.  We thought her story that centered on taking charge of her life and her leap of faith was inspiring and could be instructive to other women who may also want to make change happen in their lives but aren't sure how to get started.  

Watch Pubali's Story

 Melissa Fifield Smart Strong SassyMelissa Fifield

Ever since I was a little girl I've been fascinated with cars and racing.  When I was just five-years-old my dad took me to a racetrack and I fell in love with everything about it. 

Right now I am one of just a few women racecar drivers competing on a national level.  I have some amazing die-hard fans and then there are some who don't appreciate a woman competing in a male-dominated sport. 

There are challenges but also so many opportunities.  I am never going to give up and I will continue getting better and competing at higher levels.

Watch Melissa's Story

Smart Strong Sassy Kirsten's Story


Another woman's story saved my life, maybe my story will save yours.

A colleague had been diagnosed with breast cancer.  She shared her story and encouraged me to do a self-check on my breasts.  

I was 41-years-old, with no history of breast cancer and had just undergone my first mammogram seven months prior.  When I went home and checked...there it was, a lump an inch-and-a-half wide.  

I had so much to look forward to, but the doctors confirmed, I had breast cancer.  

Watch Kirsten's Story

Smart Strong Sassy Meredith's Story


My name is Meredith and I am 14-years-old.  I used to be shy and was bullied at school.  It was awful, but with the help of family and friends, I shared my story and became stronger. 

For me, Smart Strong Sassy is a way to share in order to help others.  I want other girls who might feel bad to know there are people out there who care and have also gone through tough times. 

I want my story to give strength to other girls so that they can see the positives in life in spite of being bullied.  

Watch Meredith's Story

Smart Strong Sassy Katie

Katie's Story

I was a teacher and just getting started in life.  One morning, on my way to school, my car was struck from behind by a box truck.  I never saw it coming. 

The crash was devastating and left me paralyzed from the shoulders down.  I never wanted to be rich or famous; my dream had always been to a be teacher and one day become a mom.  

You go through a grieving process, but today I am thriving and I am still determined to be a mom.  

Watch Katie's Story

Smart Strong Sassy Marilyn


It was two days before Christmas.  We had just finished lunch when John decided to go out and check the mail.  I was doing the dishes when I heard someone crying for help.  I ran outside and found my husband crumpled and bleeding in a snowbank.  

John died that night at the hospital from his injuries.  Later police told me the person who struck him had been texting and driving. 

It took a long time to forgive but today I have found a new way to be happy and look forward to the future.  

Watch Marilyn's Story

Smart Strong Sassy Colleen & MelissaColleen & Melissa

Between the two of us, we have five kids.  We are mothers, warriors and friends.  A core value is that we support one another and share our REAL - NON-PERFECT stories.

This isn't about discussing who's kid did better on honor roll.  It's about sharing when things aren't perfect.

As moms and professionals, both with our own unique careers, Smart Strong Sassy is about sharing to help all women.  We love the community this movement is building, that allows us to be honest when things aren't perfect and get support to help us move our lives forward.  

Sassy Mark

Having or showing quick-witted intelligence.
Someone who can act on their own accord.
Able to perform a specified action well and powerfully.
Synonyms: forceful, powerful, vigorous, fierce, possessing skills and qualities that create a likelihood of success.
Lively, bold, and full of spirit; feisty.